andyc: Wondering why all the people who fought the bitter 7 year 'We want...
Wondering why all the people who fought the bitter 7 year 'We want more than 140 characters in StatusNet' war are not welcoming Pump.
View Articleerkanyilmaz: Perhaps because they know that one can have also >140 chars on a...
Perhaps because they know that one can have also >140 chars on a federated #statusnet instance ?
View Articleandyc: Possibly. Much easier if someone else does it for you though.
Possibly. Much easier if someone else does it for you though.
View Articlesdp: @andyc People who are welcoming pump may be less vocal than the...
@andyc People who are welcoming pump may be less vocal than the naysayers and so come in under your radar.
View Articleandyc: @sdp Hope so. I can't wait to be honest.
@sdp Hope so. I can't wait to be honest.
View Articlesdp: @andyc I look forward to being able to string three or four sentences...
@andyc I look forward to being able to string three or four sentences together.
View Articleandyc: @sdp I fought on the front line for preserving 140 chars but I agree -...
@sdp I fought on the front line for preserving 140 chars but I agree - times change, Pump feels different and I enjoy longer posts.
View Articleerkanyilmaz: I see on your statusnet server that you have the text length:...
I see on your statusnet server that you have the text length: 5140 set up - does this not work for you?
View Articlejfm: @sdp I'm taking a 'wait and see' approach, myself. If I don't like it,...
@sdp I'm taking a 'wait and see' approach, myself. If I don't like it, I'll set up a #statusnet instance.
View Articlesdp0: Sure it works, but I discovered early on that many repliers only seem...
Sure it works, but I discovered early on that many repliers only seem to have read the first 140.
View Articlesdp0: I can't blame them, the ellipsis icon doesn't work optimally very often.
I can't blame them, the ellipsis icon doesn't work optimally very often.
View Articlejasonriedy: @sdp @andyc Or are talking on a pump...
@sdp @andyc Or are talking on a pump...
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